Advances in Pediatric Retina 2023 Sponsorship
In early September, the Jack McGovern Coats' Disease Foundation proudly sponsored the Advances in Pediatric Retina conference which was co-directed by two of our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members, Dr. Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, of the Stanford Byers Eye Institute and Dr. Lejla Vajzovic, of the Duke Eye Center.
The conference provided an opportunity for pediatric retina specialists and researchers from around the world to gather together and share research and treatments regarding a number of pediatric retina conditions. One entire session was dedicated to Coats' Disease and featured each of the doctors on the Foundation's SAB as well as two researchers who are recipients of the Foundation's Research Grants this year. Two of the Foundation's Education Grant recipients were also in attendance. Several members of the Foundation's Board of Directors attended conference sessions and the Foundation hosted an information booth in the Exhibit and Sponsor area.
"Sponsoring the Advances in Pediatric Retina conference shines a spotlight on the work of the Jack McGovern Coats' Disease Foundation in the area of Coats' Disease research and resources," reported Executive Director, Dr. Deborah Marron. "Every retina specialist who attended the conference is now aware of our Coats' Disease Research Grants, Education Grants to encourage early career retina specialists to study Coats', the Coats' Disease Patient Registry for researchers to access, and our resources for the Coats' patient community including the Doctor Directory. This is an important audience for us to reach!"