Welcome to the Jack McGovern Coats’ Disease Foundation!
I am honored to serve as Chair of the Foundation and excited to share my vision of the future for Coats' Disease. I have developed a set of goals that will ensure the success of the Foundation for years to come.
Goal 1: Coats' Disease will be included in the normal screening at the pediatric level.
Goal 2: Treatments for Coats' Disease will be improved to have long-lasting results for patients with Coats' Disease.
Goal 3: Vision screenings in schools will include screening for Coats' and will be earlier because early detection is the key to saving a patient’s eyesight.
Goal 4: We need to find ways to restore the sight that’s been lost by so many.
Goal 5: We need to make Coats' Disease something that is known so that when other patients or parents or even medical professionals hear “Coats' Disease” it’s not a mystery.
Goal 6: We need better education for our pediatricians and optometrists and more ways to detect this disease even at birth.
Goal 7: We need to collaborate with the thought leaders in the world of Ophthalmology and Science to ensure that they too are focused on Coats' Disease.
Goal 8: We need to ensure the Foundation is financially stable, has enough capital and reserves to support and fund new scientific research that is coming down the pipeline, because it is coming and we need to be ready for it and support it.
Goal 9: We need to grow, expand resources and have volunteer groups all over the world to make sure that Coats' patients have access to all the resources available to them.
*But, the MOST important goal – Goal number 10:
We need to ensure that ten years from now, the Jack McGovern Coats' Disease Foundation is still here supporting and listening to another mom of a Coats' warrior or to Coats' warriors themselves and that they are talking about everything they’ve accomplished in the last decade!
Thank you for being part of our Coats’ Community! With your help, we will achieve these and many more!
Negar Souza,
Board President