Kate Fyda
Kate is an active member of the Jack McGovern Coats' Disease Foundation. In addition to her participation in CAN, Kate has moderated Zoom meet-ups for Coats' children to gather and connect with each other.
We caught up with Kate to learn more about her and why the Coats' Ambassador Network is important to her...
What is your connection to Coats’ Disease?
My son, Nolan was diagnosed with Coats’ when he was 10 years old. Nolan is currently 14 years old and just started his freshman year in high school.
Why did you join the Coats' Ambassador Network (CAN)?
Shortly after Nolan was diagnosed, we attended the golf tournament in California. While there we met many members of the Jack McGovern Coats' Disease Foundation, including Jack! At that time I was asked if I would like to be part of CAN.
Looking ahead, what are your hopes for CAN?
I hope with all the hard work, CAN members do that early detection of Coats’ Disease will be available to everyone. CAN is always working to educate not only families, but professionals about the disease.
What kinds of things (work and/or hobbies) do you do when you are not volunteering to raise awareness of Coats’?
I am a radiation oncology vet tech. I work in a specialty center in Austin that treats dogs and cats with cancer. When I’m not working I’m busy being a mom to my 4 boys.
Who inspires you?
Nolan inspires me every day. He has been thrown many curve balls in life, but he doesn’t let it slow him down. He is an inspiration, proving that you can do anything you put your mind to.
What’s something about you that not many people know?
I have fostered 45 dogs to help them find their forever home through dog rescue.
Do you have a message you’d like to share with Coats’ patients?
You are amazing and never give up! With a rare disease it’s easy to feel alone, but there is support not only for the patient, but also the family through the Jack McGovern Coats' Disease Foundation.